Freedom Finance Technologies LTD

Открытых вакансий - 9

О компании

Freedom Holding Corp is an international investment holding company catering to over 230,000 clients in the US, Europe, and Central Asia under the Freedom Finance brand. Freedom Holding stock raded on the Nasdaq stock exchange since October 2019 under the ticker FRHC since October 2019. As of June 2021 the holding’s market cap exceeds $3.80B. Freedom Finance Technologies Ltd. is a multinational team that develops tech solutions and infrastructure for all clients and employees of Freedom Holding Corp. We developed and launched Tradernet trading system, Skybank and Freedom Finance Banks, and Freedom24 apps for Android, iOS, and Huawei. Tradernet supplies brokerage services through a web trading platform and mobile apps, a CRM system, back-end tools, exchange gateways, and APIs for integration with websites, payment systems and automated KYC/AML systems. Tradernet users can trade 40,000 financial instruments across various asset classes: stocks, ETFs, futures, options, and bonds. Skybank and Freedom Finance Banks are online and mobile banking platforms targeting the residents of the Eastern European and CIS countries. The online banking service is integrated with broker infrastructure, which allows the users to fund their trading accounts and withdraw funds to debit or credit cards without commissions. Tradernet and Freedom24 apps for Android, iOS, and Huawei enable opening an investment account with Freedom Finance, buying and selling stocks, and submitting applications to trade IPOs.

Открытые вакансии

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